difficult to get along with 意味

発音を聞く:   difficult to get along withの例文
  • 《be ~》つき合いにくい


        difficult person to get along with:    付き合いにくい人
        difficult to get:    得難い
        difficult to get to:    《be ~》たどり着くのが困難{こんなん}である
        get along:    {句動-1} : (何とか)やっていく There isn't a soul who can get along without a little help from a friend. 友人から少しも助けてもらわずにやっていける人など誰もいません。 In that country, we can get along with just a few hundred dollars a mont
        get along with:    (人)と仲良くする[付き合う?やっていく?暮らす]、(人)と良い関係にある、(人)と気[相性?うま]が合う、(人)と歩調{ほちょう}を合わせる◆【直訳】人と平行状態になる He is able to get along (well) with anyone. 彼はだれとでも仲良くやっていける。 I don't get along (well) with her. 彼女とは肌が合わない。
        not get along:    そりが合わない、相性{あいしょう}が悪い
        not get along with:    (人)とは性格が合わない
        to get along:    to get along 暮らす くらす
        to get along with:    to get along with 折れ合う おれあう
        difficult to get much done:    《be ~》多くのことを成し遂げるのは難しい
        difficult-to-get book:    希少本{きしょう ほん}、手に入れにくい本
        difficult-to-get job:    就くのが難しい仕事{しごと}
        get a bit difficult:    いささか難しくなる
        get more and more difficult:    段々難しくなる
        stain that is difficult to get out:    取りにくい染み


  1. "difficult to eliminate" 意味
  2. "difficult to find" 意味
  3. "difficult to foresee" 意味
  4. "difficult to gauge" 意味
  5. "difficult to get" 意味
  6. "difficult to get much done" 意味
  7. "difficult to get to" 意味
  8. "difficult to grasp" 意味
  9. "difficult to grasp for children" 意味
  10. "difficult to gauge" 意味
  11. "difficult to get" 意味
  12. "difficult to get much done" 意味
  13. "difficult to get to" 意味

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